Effect of zinc, iron and boron on growth, yield and quality of Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) in Punjab

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Effect of zinc, iron and boron on growth, yield and quality of Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) in Punjab

M. Irfan Ashraf, Bakhatawar Liaqat, Kanwal Shahzadi, Shazia Kiran, Laraib Anam, M. Bilal Shaukat, Nazar Hussain
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.16( 4), 11-19, April 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The present research was carried out to evaluate the effects of micronutrients such as boron, iron and zinc on growth and yield of bitter gourd at research area of vegetables, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad during the year of 2019. Trial was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design comprising of 2 varieties and 9 treatments replicated three times. Various reproductive and vegetative parameters like fruit weight, fruit yield per vine, fruit length etc. were recorded. Data was recorded by following the standard procedures. When fruit would get ready to harvest they were harvested. Data was investigated by ANOVA techniques and by using LSD test means were compared at 5% probability level. Different varieties and micronutrients showed significant variations among, germination percentage, fruit fresh weight, fruit diameter and chemical parameter like vitamin C, TSS and Chlorophyll Contents. The treatment T4 (ZnSO4 0.5%+FeSO4 0.5%) found best for number of days 40-50 taken to first flowering, fruit diameter(14.45mm) and fruit length (26.3cm) as compared to control treatment (without foliar spray). Fruit yield per plant (1.75kg per plant), average fruit weight (170.09gm), number of fruits per plant (9.66) and male and female ratio of bitter gourd responded significantly to the foliar application of Iron, Boron and Zinc.

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