Relationship of light intensity and quality with callus biomass and antioxidant potential in Ajuga bracteosa

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Research Paper 01/07/2019
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Relationship of light intensity and quality with callus biomass and antioxidant potential in Ajuga bracteosa

Nizam Ud Din, Huma Ali, Syeda Kokab Shah, Syeda Faryal Israr, Amir Ali, Sher Mohammad, Raham Sher Khan, Mubarak Ali Khan
Int. J. Biosci.15( 1), 507-517, July 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


In the current study, effects of different light regimes and spectral lights were evaluated on the callus induction frequency, callus biomass and free radical scavenging activity in Ajuga Bracteosa. The hypocotyl explants derived from wild grown plants were used for callus culture establishment on MS solid media fortified with 1.0mg/L TDZ in combination with 0.5mg/L NAA. Among the different light regimes applied in this study, higher growth characteristics in callus cultures (maximum callus induction frequency: 90%) and biomass formation (5.6g/L FBM) were observed in the explants grown under continuous dark for two weeks culture period followed by transference into light (16h light & 8 h dark) for two weeks. The monochromatic lights were found most effective in terms of enhancement of biomass and antioxidant activity. Yellow light was found to influence maximum callus biomass (FW: 28g/L). Comparatively higher antioxidant activity (88%) was observed in yellow light grown callus tissues, followed by red light (80%). Hence, the findings of the current study emphasized the important role of different photoperiod regimes and monochromatic lights on callus induction, biomass accumulation and antioxidant activity in A. bracteosa.

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