Influence of different pre sowing seed invigoration techniques on early growth of different maize hybrids

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Influence of different pre sowing seed invigoration techniques on early growth of different maize hybrids

Rashid Jalal, Amir Zaman Khan, Shazma Anwar, Junaid Ahmad, Bibi Safia, Farhan Ahmad, Sarmad Iqbal, Zohaib Ali, Manzoor Ahmad, Abdul Aziz, Abdur Rauf Khan, Abbas Saleem
Int. J. Biosci.15( 2), 370-379, August 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Several seed conditioning approaches utilizing maize hybrids of priming precursors may develop crop establishment, performance and quality of corn. Seed priming treatments are used to minimize emergence time, enhanced germination rate and crop establishment in field crops like maize under adverse environment. A laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of pre-sowing technique on early growth of different maize hybrids. The trail was carried out at Agronomy research laboratory, The University of Agriculture Peshawar during 2017. The experiment was laid out in complete randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The experiment was consists of two factors i.e., priming sources (Control, hydro, solid matrix priming, osmo-priming with PEG-6000) and maize hybrids (Gorilla, Pioneer 3025, CS-220). Priming was done for 24 hours in all priming techniques. Results of the lab experiment revealed that osmo-priming (PEG-6000) gave maximum germination (95.2 %), seedling fresh weight (30.8 mg), seedling dry weight (20.8 mg), germination energy (83 %), shoot length (13.3 cm) and root length (10 cm). Among hybrids CS-220 produced maximum germination (93.9%), seedling fresh weight (26.8 mg), seedling dry weight (16.9 mg), germination energy (82.9 %), shoot length (12.9 cm) and root length (9.7 cm). It is concluded from the experimental results that CS-220 with osmo-priming (PEG-6000) is recommended for cultivation under the agro-ecological conditions of Peshawar.

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