Search Results for : Reproduction

The fascinating reproduction of anglerfish: A deep-sea mystery unveiled

Anglerfish are fascinating creatures that live in the deep ocean. Their unique and mysterious reproductive strategies have captured the interest of scientists and ocean enthusiasts. This review paper takes a comprehensive look at anglerfish reproduction, highlighting the remarkable adaptations that have evolved to ensure their species’ survival in the extreme depths of the ocean. The […]

Study of the reproduction of Archachatina ventricosa in the National Center of Floristic (NCF) of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University of Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)

The reproduction study of the snail Archachatina ventricosa took place at the National Center of Floristic (NCF) from January 2017 to December 2018 for two years. All the different plots of the NCF were searched monthly according to a chronogram to look for snails in mating. In addition, dissections were carried out each month on […]

Biological reproduction aspects of jaguar guapote (Parachromis managuensis) in Penjalin reservoir Brebes-Central Java, Indonesia

Jaguar Guapote (Parachromis managuensis) is an introduction fish in the Penjalin Reservoir, whose population is constantly increasing. It even tends to cause a loss of native species in that reservoir. The anticipation of the increase in this fish population can be conducted by control effort comprehensively. This study aimed to assess the biological reproduction aspects […]

Lunar periodicity in reproduction of two venerid clams Meretrix meretrix and Katelysia hiantina in Panguil Bay, Northern Mindanao, Philippines

The venerid clams Meretrix meretrix and Katelysia hiantina are important component of shallow bentho-pelagic estuarine ecosystems, fisheries and cuisine in the Indo-West Pacific region. The uncontrolled and regular harvesting of these species may lead to population decline. Studies on aspects of growth and reproductive biology are indispensable input to the rational management of the clams. […]