A case study on long-term financial benefits of using biochar and zeolite amendments for wheat crop in rainfed area of Pakistan

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A case study on long-term financial benefits of using biochar and zeolite amendments for wheat crop in rainfed area of Pakistan

Awais Ali, Irfan Aziz, Mehmood-Ul-Hassan, Shehzada Sohail Ejaz
Int. J. Biosci.13( 2), 219-227, August 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Nutrients and moisture loss are basic limiting factor of crop production in rainfed areas. Improving farm income is one of the primary aim of commercial wheat grower all over the world. As the prices of commercial fertilizers are increasing day by day, therefore the fertilizer use efficiency must be monitored. Biochar and zeolite as soil amendments have potential to maintain soil health and can enhance crops yields. A two year research (2015-16) was conducted at koont research farm in north potohwar region of Punjab, Pakistan to evaluate the benefit cost ratio. Sixteen different biochar and zeolite (sole and combine) doses were applied to soil by using RCBD design with three replications which are B0Z0=control, B3=biochar (3 tons/ha), B6=biochar (6 tons/ha), B9=biochar (9 tons/ha), Z1=zeolite (1 tons/ha), Z3=zeolite (3 tons/ha), Z5=zeolite (5 tons/ha), B3Z1=biochar (3 tons/ha) + zeolite (1 tons/ha), B3Z3=biochar (3 tons/ha) + zeolite (3 tons/ha), B3Z5=biochar (3 tons/ha) + zeolite (5 tons/ha), B6Z1=biochar (6 tons/ha) + zeolite (1 tons/ha), B6Z3=biochar (6 tons/ha) + zeolite (3 tons/ha), B6Z5=biochar (6 tons/ha) + zeolite (5 tons/ha), B9Z1=biochar (9 tons/ha) + zeolite (1 tons/ha), B9Z3=biochar (9 tons/ha) + zeolite (3 tons/ha), B9Z5=biochar (9 tons/ha) + zeolite (5 tons/ha). Wheat was planted for two consecutive years and benefit cost ratio was calculated. It was observed in two years all biochar and zeolite treatments somewhat contributed in increasing benefit cost ratio among which the most beneficial treatment was combine application of biochar @ 9 ton/ha and zeolite @5 ton/ha (B9Z5) in second year.


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