A checklist of traditional and wild edible phyto-resources sold in the local markets of Kokrajhar, Assam

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Research Paper 01/01/2022
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A checklist of traditional and wild edible phyto-resources sold in the local markets of Kokrajhar, Assam

Bhisma Narayan Swargiari, Rubul Buragohain, Smriti Rekha Sonowal
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 1), 77-84, January 2022.
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A study was conducted at six important markets of Kokrajhar, Assam in northeastern India, which are mostly run by local ethnic tribes and rich in wild phyto-resources of various ethno-botanical importances. The study was conducted during 2017-2018 to find out the important edible phyto-resources which are consumed daily by the local people of Kokrajhar. Regular surveys were conducted at the selected markets at least three times a month. A total of 90 species of traditional and wild edible plants belonging to 81 genera and 52 families have been recorded. The study provides information on their botanical name, family, vernacular name, frequency, habit, biological status, plant parts used, mode of use and also the rate of the plant resources observed. These wild phyto-resources are mainly collected from Charaikhola Wildlife Sanctuary and adjacent areas. Many wild phyto-resources are found to have immense potential as NTFP. Therefore, it is suggested that the high diversity of wild edible phyto-resources needs to be conserved for livelihood sustenance of the local communities and further studies are required for the management of wild forest resources to be exploited continuously by the local people.


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