A Comparative study on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Mothers towards Children Immunization in Flora, Apayao, Philippines

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A Comparative study on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Mothers towards Children Immunization in Flora, Apayao, Philippines

Judelle A. Quintos, Deanne Clarissa Ramos, Hiyasmin C. Ramos, Larissa B. Ravelo, Rosemean F. Relon, Jinky Marie T. Chua
Int. J. Biosci.21( 2), 307-327, August 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Childhood immunization is a critical public health intervention to prevent childhood morbidity and mortality. However, UNICEF reported in 2020 that vaccination coverage in the Philippines had dropped dramatically; thus, this study aims to provide comparative data on mothers’ knowledge, attitude, and practices towards children immunization in barangay Malubibit Norte having the highest data of fully immunized children and barangay Poblacion West with the lowest recorded data of fully vaccinated children. This study used a comparative research design to describe the respondents’ profile, knowledge, attitudes, and practices on child immunization. Two hundred thirty-two (232) mothers were identified as respondents in this study by using stratified random sampling. It was discovered that in Barangay Poblacion West, the records of having the least number of fully immunized children were due to uncontrolled hindrances, which were the child is not feeling well during their scheduled vaccination and had a severe allergic reaction after vaccine administration. It was also found that the overall mean score of mothers KAP from the two barangays is knowledgeable about children immunization with a positive attitude and good practice. Level of knowledge when grouped to their profile, vaccine benefit was influenced by religion. The level of attitude and practices was influenced by marital status, educational attainment, attended seminars, nature of work, religion, source of income, type of family, comorbidities of the mother, maintenance medication, and compliance to medication. Findings also showed that there is a significant relationship between the Attitude and Practices of Mothers toward Child Immunization of both barangays, while there is no significant relationship between the Knowledge with the Attitude and Practices of the mothers toward Child Immunization of both barangays.

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