A cross-sectional survey on the dengue situation in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh

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A cross-sectional survey on the dengue situation in Rajshahi city, Bangladesh

Shuchismita Khan, Hossain Mohammad Hridoy, Md. Pervez Hossain, Kazi Nazmul Islam Rafid, Md Mehedi Hasan Joyon, Imtiaj Hasan
Int. J. Biosci.23( 3), 44-51, September 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study was performed to figure out the prevalence and pattern of the symptoms and diagnosis of patients during a dengue outbreak at Rajshahi metropolitan city in Bangladesh and to assess the significance of biochemical profiles and physiological complications of dengue patients. In this cross-sectional survey, a set of questionnaires was used for 150 randomly selected dengue patients in Rajshahi metropolitan city. An excess of male patients (80.66%) was found among reported dengue cases, comparing to females (19.33%). Thirty-five (23.33%) of infected patients were from the city of Rajshahi whereas 115 (76.67%) patients were from outside. Less than 7% patients had positive IgG or IgM values and only 6% had both. Out of 150, 94 patients (62.67%) had platelet counts lower than 150 k/μL. All patients had fever and over 90% patients had nausea, vomiting and pain in muscle and lower abdomen. Joint pain (74%), dark urine (64%) and bloody diarrhea (12.66%) were also reported but no patient experienced skin rash. Two patients (1.33%) suffered from acute pancreatitis as well as dementia and paralysis. Platelet count of patients displayed notable association with hypertension, bloody diarrhea and hydration status. Though Bangladesh is facing dengue outbreaks for over fifty years, the current situation is exacerbated by the rising number of deaths. Public health management needs to be enhanced and better organized to cope up with the dengue situation in Bangladesh.


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