A GIS study on the intertidal marine debris: Basis on strenghtening policy implementation of R.A. 9003 in Tandag City, Philippines

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Research Paper 17/07/2023
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A GIS study on the intertidal marine debris: Basis on strenghtening policy implementation of R.A. 9003 in Tandag City, Philippines

Sheila Kylene A. Tawas, Charish Mae Mariane Cygie S. Delos Arcos
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 1), 242-247, July 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 aims to merge environmental protection with economic pursuits, recognizing the re-orientation of the community’s view on solid waste, thereby providing schemes for waste minimization, volume reduction, resource recovery utilization and disposal. This study dwelt on the assessment of the inter-tidal marine debris in selected barangays of Tandag City using the Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Results showed that among all solid waste in the coastal and swamp area, the plastics materials (</> 5cm) ranks the highest percent of 71.01, followed by the others or minorities, recording a percent of 12.52. Cigarette butts/filters ranks third having a percent of 12.43. Lastly, metals got a percentage high abundance of solid wastes are rooted from the overlooked discarding of waste of the residents to the coastal area.

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