A microcontroller based flour processing machine for Coconut pulp

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Research Paper 12/07/2023
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A microcontroller based flour processing machine for Coconut pulp

MA. Magdalena V. Gatdula
Int. J. Biosci.23( 1), 202-213, July 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study aimed to develop a microcontroller-based flour processing machine for pressed coconut pulp. The entire system is automated to carry out the task continuously with minimal interaction of the user. The designed project used software written in C++ and executed on the Arduino UNO. Developmental research was utilized in the study and an online survey was distributed to five bakers, five coconut sellers, and five computer engineering professionals to evaluate the acceptability of the automated cocoflour machine. The results shown high acceptability that the machine could produce coconut flour. The study concludes that the automated machine coconut flour maker is user-friendly, and anybody can operate this machine without any technical knowledge that can produce acceptable coconut flour consistently with its adequate production time. It requires less monitoring and human labor.


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