A new, simplified and non-destructive estimate of leaf area, leaf fresh and dry weight of greenhouse cucumber Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae) by linear measurements

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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A new, simplified and non-destructive estimate of leaf area, leaf fresh and dry weight of greenhouse cucumber Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae) by linear measurements

Tahereh Alaee, Shahrzad Iranipour, Roghayeh Karimzadeh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 1), 285-292, July 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The estimation of leaf area and leaf fresh and dry weight are used in agronomy to follow the development of crops, and to predict light interception and productivity. In small plant populations using non-destructive methods of leaf area measurements could be useful. In this study because of equipment limitations, the transparent paper and simple ruler were used. A mathematical model can be assessed by correlation between leaf length (L), width (W) or length x width (LW) to the actual leaf area of a sample leaves using regression analysis. SPAD values (S) also used for high accuracy estimation of leaf fresh and dry weight. Regression models including highest R² value and lowest RMSE selected. Y=-4.043-1.415LW+1.050 L²  Y=-0.125+0.00741 LW+0.000208 LWS (R²=0.945, RMSE= 0.58), Y=-0.0435+0.0000467 LWS+0.00134 LW (R²=0.887, RMSE= 0.17) were the best predicted models for estimation of leaf area, leaf fresh weight and leaf dry weight, respectively. To evaluate the accuracy of the model, estimated values of individual leaves were plotted against measured values. The SPAD value parameter using in fresh and dry weight equation with higher accuracy, showed that SPAD meter is a relatively inexpensive, fast, easy, and non-destructive machinery for recognition of crop N nutrition that has simplified research in plant development. Therefore, it is concluded that high accuracy models can be used resulting in time and effort saving for estimation of leaf area, leaf fresh and dry weight in order to trace crops growth.


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