A response of tropical tree Terminalia arjuna (arjun) [Combretaceae-Myrtales] seeds and seedlings towards the pre-sowing seed treatment in forest nursery of Sargodha, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2020
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A response of tropical tree Terminalia arjuna (arjun) [Combretaceae-Myrtales] seeds and seedlings towards the pre-sowing seed treatment in forest nursery of Sargodha, Pakistan


A tropical evergreen woody tree Terminalia arjunaRoxb. (T. arjuna), native to India and commonly found along the river banks and canals, has the high medicinal value especially for heart related diseases. A present study was conducted over the period of 4 months to check the pre-sowing seed treatment effects on T. arjuna seeds in nursery and to identify which treatment was better to use. Seeds were collected from three different sites (S1, S2, S3). Best results using analysis of variance (ANOVA) were expressed by the seeds treated with  for 10 minutes and Gibberellic Acid (G.A) 75mg/l for 24hours. Maximum mean seed germination was (7.66 ± 0.45) at T5, maximum mean seedling survival was (6.00 ± 0.32) at T5, maximum mean seed germination % was (76.66 ± 5.29) at T5, maximum mean seedling survival % was (63.33 ± 4.25) at T7 and maximum mean germination energy % was (79.64 ± 7.78) at T5. Seeds collected from S2 site performed significantly better than S1 and S2. Use of  and Gibberellic Acid (G.A) effected the growth of T. arjuna significantly.

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