A study of housing reconstruction program in post war conflict affected areas of Hindukush region, District Swat Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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A study of housing reconstruction program in post war conflict affected areas of Hindukush region, District Swat Pakistan

Malak Zada, Amir Khan, Zulfiqar Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 4), 157-165, April 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Housing is the basic human need which provides shelter, privacy, safety and shelter in harsh weather. This study was carried out during 2012-16 in order to investigate housing reconstruction programme in 2009-10 conflict affected areas of Hindukush region District Swat, Pakistan. Near half (48.2%) of the dwelling units were damaged due to operation against militant in 2009-10. Out of 265 damaged sampled housing units about half of the houses, 47.9% were completely damaged while the remaining 52.1% were partially damaged. Three quarter (74.5%) of the houses were fully reconstructed or repaired and the rest of the damaged houses, 25.5% were partially repaired or reconstructed after the conflict. Vast majority of the respondents (81.4%) could not afford to buy the construction materials for their damaged houses. Slightly above the quarter (26.4%) 0f respondent stated that their damage was between Rs 0.8 to 1.5 Million per household. Only 63% respondents were assisted with some financial aid by government or other organization. The assistance ranging from 100,001 to 800,000 rupees per family depending on the circumstances. Some 61.7% respondents were unsatisfied from the financial aids given to them, because they were not consulted when decision was made about the financial aid. The percentage of the respondent whose houses were improved due to reconstruction process was 42.6% and the rest 57.4% did not made any improvement in their houses. The reconstruction process was slow due to time consuming procedure and difficult terrain. After the conflict 78.9% respondent said that housing condition was suitable for living because they themselves built. About 79.3% of the respondent were satisfied from the security of the area while a small number of respondents, 20.7%said, the area is still unsafe due lack of restoring normal situation, uncertainty, lack of empowerment and incomplete dwelling units.


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