A Study of Source Specific Quantification, Composition and Disposal Methods of Municipal Solid Waste at Konodas Gilgit City, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/05/2016
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A Study of Source Specific Quantification, Composition and Disposal Methods of Municipal Solid Waste at Konodas Gilgit City, Pakistan

Muhammad Hussain, Sujjad Haider, Yawar Abbas, Qasim Khan, Babar Hussain, Syed Waqar Hussain, Qandeel Zehra, Ajaz Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 5), 97-107, May 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Urban centres are nexus of environmental pollutions; solid waste generation being one of them. This study was carried out to assess the amount of solid waste generated and its composition coupled with observation of disposal methods in Konodas section of Gilgit city, situated at 35.9221 longitudes, 74.3087latitude, and at an average altitude of 1,500 m above sea level. The study area was divided into two sections viz. commercial and residential and sampling constituted 25% of each section population units. Random sampling for residential while purposive sampling for commercial sections were employed to ensure proper representations at source and sampling was carried out three days a week. Total of 1259.026 Kg solid waste was produced from the area during study period, out of which 930.99 was residential while 328.027 Kg was commercial waste. Out of nine sections in to which waste was divided on the basis of composition: food and organic waste in both sectors was most dominant while corrugated boxes and dust made a large proportion of the commercial waste during the study. There was no proper mechanism at the time of the study for municipal waste collection and disposal, empty plots and streets are used for waste disposal by residents while business owners in the market burn waste to get rid of it. Need of the time is to initiate a formal Solid waste management program for the city for collection and environmental friendly disposal, as current practises merely change the spatial distribution of solid waste or transform it from land pollution to air pollution.


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