A survey based study on seasonal diseases & treatment pattern during Winter in Narayanganj City

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Research Paper 07/01/2023
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A survey based study on seasonal diseases & treatment pattern during Winter in Narayanganj City

Shimanta Paul, Tausif Ahmed, Alok Kumer, Md. Rezwan Ahmed Mahedi, Sadia Afrin, Md. Shanzid Hasan, Saraf Nawar Moumita, Mustafa mudhafar, Ovijet Chandra Kuri, Nikolaos Syrmos
Int. J. Biosci.22( 1), 132-138, January 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Most infectious diseases follow a seasonal cycle that allows germs to spread and infect humans. An abrupt climate change can promote infections in the winter. The study aims to determine winter disease prevalence in Narayanganj. To learn about seasonal illness risk factors, management, treatment, and other implications. People in Narayanganj city were interviewed using a self-designed English questionnaire. The questionnaire asked about demographics, education, socioeconomic level, winter sickness awareness, etc. Our of total 200 participant population male respondents were 59% and female 41%, among them the prevalence of diseases are allergy 59%, stomach flu 76%, common cold 345, influenza 17%, skin disease 11%, asthma 21%, croup 6% and sore throat 14% which is counted respectively of total surveyed participants number. The result of knowledge about common seasonal disease in winter shows that about 15% of participants knows a great deal whereas 66% people knows somewhat and about 19% of the total participants knows nothing about these common diseases. About 58% participants take treatment from an expert physician and rest of 42% participants didn’t take any treatment for these diseases. This research shows that knowledge and awareness of winter illnesses are poor. Even among the young, knowledge is inadequate. Due to insufficient school exposure, individuals don’t obtain enough knowledge. They’ll develop complications. Even the medical system has issues preserving treatment quality. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists must help patients. This study was done on randomly picked persons from Narayanganj, thus it doesn’t represent the complete notion.

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