A survey on influence of summer monsoon on diversity and density of bivalves in the Iranian Coasts of Oman Sea

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A survey on influence of summer monsoon on diversity and density of bivalves in the Iranian Coasts of Oman Sea

Asghari S., Ahmadi M.R., Salarzadeh A.R., Mohammadizadeh F., Ejlali K.
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 2), 125-135, August 2015.
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Seasonal winds (Monsoon) significantly affect the ecological and environmental characteristics of Oman Sea and its sea-bed; in fact monsoon, being the obvious seasonal feature of the area, are the major factor in changing the dynamics of Oman Sea by causing storms or turbulent seas. Oman Sea the most important ecosystems with wide expanse and variety of marine animals, especially mollusks. This paper aims to study the diversity and density (Congestion and contraction) of Bivalves in sea-bed sediments of Oman Sea (Hormoz strait – Quater Bay), and in order to fulfill this purpose, 10 stable stations were selected (the dimension of each is 30 sea-miles) within marked locations along Iranian shores of Oman’s sea-bed. Sampling was done by choosing a ’0.1 m2 Van-Veen grab sampler’ to collect sediments, the same was performed three times. The physical and chemical parameters of water such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured by using a CTD module. As a result of this study 43 genera of 19 families of Bivalves were identified. Among the identified groups, Lucinidae 55%, Nuculidae 13%, Tellinidae 7%, Veneridae 5% and Yoldiidae 5% were the dominant groups. Results show that diversity and density of Bivalves in Oman Sea, are affected by the southwest Indian Ocean monsoon winds in such a way that their frequency (numbers) is decreased but their diversity is increased after summer monsoon. Therefore, more study should be carried out, on Bivalves in particular to assess demersal fishery and to evaluate natural and anthropogenic stress.


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