A Survey on the flora and the fauna of the Fereydunkenar International wetland for better conservation management

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Research Paper 01/10/2012
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A Survey on the flora and the fauna of the Fereydunkenar International wetland for better conservation management

Mohsen Ahmadpour, Mousa Ahmadpour, Seyed Hamid Hoseini, Seyed Mahmoud Ghasempouri, Abbas Jafari, Mohammad Hosein SinkaKarimi, Hamid Amouie
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 10), 17-26, October 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Fereydunkenar international wetland (registered in Ramsar Convention) covers 5427 hectares at the south of Caspian Sea in Mazandaran province. Identifying the district’s flora and fauna, a four-year survey was conducted in direct observation method; as a result of which a variety of species were recognized including trees(18), mammals(7), fishes(10), reptiles(6), amphibians(5) and birds(88). The trees are mostly woody among which the Box tree (Buxus hyrcana) is in extinction peril and the European otter (lutra lutra) (a kind of mammal) has the highest population. About 28% of the wetland’s birds are indigenous and others are migratory including those who just pass the zone, winter birds and egg-layer ones. Among the wetland’s birds, the seabirds and water fowl species are more numerous than others. On the other hand, Red breasted goose (Branta ruficollis), lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) and Siberian cranes (Grus leucogeranus) are among the rarest birds of the world which are mostly at extinction risk. Overhunting and destroying their environment and rest zones have led to severe reduction of their population; so that there has remained just one crane in the wetland. However, the international Fereidunkenar wetland has a very specific situation from the view point of fauna and flora, despite of all threats and destructions.


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