Absorption capacity of lead by different lichenic species

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Absorption capacity of lead by different lichenic species

Naila Maizi, Nabil Kadri, Monia Serradj Ali Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.10( 2), 61-71, February 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The use of bioindicator is very important for assessing the pollution intensity by accumulation of pollutants and lead in particular. The measurement of this accumulation in some organisms such as lichens and its effects on the physiological and morphological characteristics was found very effective to answer this problem. It is in this context that we have oriented our research whose objective is to determine the accumulating power of some lichenic species namely: Flavoparmelia sordians, Ramalina farinacea and Xanthoria parietina under the influence of three concentrations of lead nitrate: low, medium and high, respectively (0.207 gPb/l, 2.07 gPb/l and 20.7 gPb/l) in other parts highlight the impact of this accumulation on the Physiology (determination of chlorophyll) and morphology (morphological observation) of these species. The comparison between the three species for the accumulation of lead using the Fisher test revealed significant differences between all our species, while the ANOVA test for a factor showed results ranging from significant (p = 0,349 in Xanthoria parietina after treatment 4) to very highly significant (p = 0,000*** in all species after the last treatment) for the measured physiological parameters.


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