Active and tritatable acidity changes (ph) during ripening of white sjenica cheese in industrial production

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Research Paper 01/12/2015
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Active and tritatable acidity changes (ph) during ripening of white sjenica cheese in industrial production

Željko Savić
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 6), 47-52, December 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Sjenica cheese is from the group of white cheese in brine in Republic of Serbia. It is produced in wide area of Sjenica-Pester plateau, by indigenous technology, and lately much more in industrial conditions -mini dairies. It is made from fresh whole sheep milk and cow milk, which process of making cheese, starts immediately, without any heat treatment. By the plan of experiment, we followed the acidity changes of the ripening period of 45 days after production. We followed changes after 15 days and then again after 30 days of ripening. Acidity is one of the most important properties of cheese which influences the structure, rheological, sensory characteristics and overall quality of the cheese. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the acidity, both during development and during ripening. The results showed that the most significant changes, actually the largest increase of titratable acidity occurred in the period of 15-30 days. Ripe cheese had the following values 189.20oT for cow milk cheese and 173.10oT for sheep milk cheese. The durability and sustainability of cheese is affected by pH value. Changes in pH values in both types of cheese,have occurred in the period of 1-15 day of ripening. In that period, we recorded the largest decrease of pH value. Cow milk cheese had 4.04 pH value and sheep milk cheese had 4.87 pH value. The least change occurred in the period of 30-45 days, which is due of forming of soluble nitrogen compounds and buffer capacity of cheese.


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