Adapting laboratory teaching for flexible learning: addressing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Research Paper 13/06/2023
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Adapting laboratory teaching for flexible learning: addressing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic

Myra A. Abayon
Int. J. Biosci.22( 6), 149-164, June 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The implementation of Flexible Learning in various educational institutions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic poses many struggles, particularly in teaching laboratory subjects. This study aimed to explore the challenges experienced and encountered by teachers in teaching laboratory subjects in times of pandemic, particularly during the First Semester AY 2020 – 2021 in one of the universities in Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines – wherein Flexible Learning Modality (FLM) was implemented. The study utilized a qualitative research design, particularly phenomenology, involving ten (10) teachers handling laboratory subjects. An in-depth interview was employed using an interview protocol that guided the researcher in gathering data. Based on the result of the study, there were three distinct themes emerged, such as; (1) technology and laboratory set-up challenges, which includes communication, lack of access to internet connectivity, limited access to technology such as gadgets and other devices; (2) students-readiness related challenges, which includes students’ readiness, submission of outputs, difficulty in following instructions, and the difficulty of some learning activities and assessment; and (3) teaching-learning process-related challenges which include the lack of preparedness for instruction, difficulty in assessing and providing feedback, and difficulty in establishing the validity of written outputs. Furthermore, an intervention plan was proposed based on the result to address the identified challenges appropriately. Moreover, it was recommended that the proposed intervention be implemented to address issues and concerns in the implementation of flexible Learning. Further studies utilizing other methods and contexts were also recommended.

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