Adoption of aquaculture technology by fish farmers in Jashore Sadar Upazilla, Jashore, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/05/2021
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Adoption of aquaculture technology by fish farmers in Jashore Sadar Upazilla, Jashore, Bangladesh

Syeda Maksuda Yeasmin, Moumita Choudhury, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Almamun Farid, Anusree Biswas, Md. Anisur Rahman
Int. J. Biosci.18( 5), 146-155, May 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Technological change has been the major driving force for increasing fish production and promoting fisheries development. Determining the extent of adoption of modern aquaculture technologies by the fish farmers was the main focus of the study. The study was conducted at Sadar Upazilla of Jashore district. Fifty respondents were randomly selected as a sample for data collection from ten unions. A pre-tested interview schedule was used to collect data from the respondents during January 2020 to June 2020. For assessing the adoption of modern aquaculture technologies by the fish farmers, 11 technologies on fish production were considered. Adoption of “pond preparation with lime”, “acclimatization of fish fry before stocking”, “appropriate stocking density”, “monosex tilapia cultivation”, “use of formulated feed”, “use of urea” “ use of TSP” and “pangus cultivation” were found high while adoption of “poly culture of carp”, “Thai koi cultivation” and “catfish cultivation” were comparatively low. Overall mean adoption scores of 11 modern aquaculture technologies by the farmers indicated that 56 % of the respondent fish farmers had high adoption of “modern aquaculture technologies” compared to 24% having medium adoption and 20% low adoption. Among the technologies highest adaption (84.35) was found in “use of TSP in fish pond”. Age, education, use of information sources, farm size, fish farming area, annual family income, commercialization, social participation, innovativeness and knowledge on fish culture of the farmers had positive and significant relationship with their overall mean adoption of modern aquaculture technologies.


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