Agaricus bernardii and A. maleolens (section Duploannulatae, Agaricaceae) in the Bulgarian mycobiota: diversity, distribution, morphology and ecology

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Research Paper 01/08/2014
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Agaricus bernardii and A. maleolens (section Duploannulatae, Agaricaceae) in the Bulgarian mycobiota: diversity, distribution, morphology and ecology

Maria Lacheva
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 476-485, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This paper summarizes the available data of Agaricus bernardii and A. maleolens in Bulgaria. Review of the available previous records is made and new findings are reported. The article brings closer taxonomic profile, ecological requirements and distribution pattern of the both species. New additions are included, together with a critical review of data reported in literature for the Bulgarian territory. The fungus appeared to be widespread, but not common. Detailed macro- and microscopic descriptions are given. The species are illustrated with color photographs on the basis of collected Bulgarian specimens. Totally 21 localities of these species are currently known. An UTM-grid map is appended. An identification key for the species is given.


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