Age and growth of Mullus surmuletus (L.) in Mostaganem coast, Northwest Algeria

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Age and growth of Mullus surmuletus (L.) in Mostaganem coast, Northwest Algeria

Ali Kherraz, Amel Kherraz, Sofiane Benghali, Salim Mouffok, Zitouni Boutiba
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 37-43, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The age, growth, of Mullus surmuletus, caught in Mostaganem (Northwest Algerian Sea) between January and December 2009, were investigated. Sex ratio female to male was 1:1.60. The total length of females ranged from 12.5 cm to 23 cm and of males from 12.3 cm to 22.5 cm. The length-mass relationship for all individuals can be described by the parameters a =0.009 and b = 2.934. Fish aged 0-7 years were present in the samples. The parameters of the Von Bertalanffy growth equation obtained for females were L∞= 24.70 cm, k = 0.37 cm / year, and t0 = – 0.37 year. For males L∞= 25.52 cm, k = 0.32 cm / year, t0 = – 0.71 year. Significant differences were found in the growth parameters between males and females.


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