Agricultural information system and communication network: The case of BT corn growers in Amulong, Cagayan

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Research Paper 01/07/2020
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Agricultural information system and communication network: The case of BT corn growers in Amulong, Cagayan

Cecilia H delos Trinos, Fredisminda M Dolojan, Joys M Guillermo
Int. J. Biosci.17( 1), 150-159, July 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to assess the agricultural information system and the communication network of corn growers in Amulong, Cagayan. Since there were multiple sources of farmer’s information, these were categorized into three groups. The personal information sources (PIS) were composed of family members, relatives, friends and co-corn growers. The public information sources (PuIS) were the municipal agriculture technologists, extension agents, experts/researchers, company technicians and sales representatives. The mass media sources (MmIS) include the broadcast medium (TV and radio) printed materials (newspapers, leaflets, brochures, package of technology, and posters, the internet and cellphone). Results showed that the PIS recorded the highest mean value of 5.47 in terms of frequency of contact, indicating a once a week information sharing particularly with family members, relatives and friends. Information sharing with their co-corn growers (4.83) however occurred two to three times a month. As to the degree of usefulness of the information, both the technical and economic information generated from all the information sources were adjudged as very useful. It means that any available information that they get from various sources were considered to be useful in their corn farming. In terms of the total information score (TIS), the highest was recorded in PIS with a mean value of 224.25 IS. The mean score falls under the strong information contact. It is an indication that corn growers have more frequent information exchange between and among their family members, relatives, friends and co-corn growers. Total information scores obtained from the PuIs and MmIS were low indicating a weak information contact. Contact with PuIs is once to three times a year, while contact with MmIS ranges from once – two years and to no contact at all.


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