Agro-morphological qualitative characterization of Jesso-Balam rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions in Bangladesh

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Agro-morphological qualitative characterization of Jesso-Balam rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions in Bangladesh

Mir Sharf Uddin Ahmed, Md. Khairul Bashar, Md. Wazuddin, AKM Shamsuddin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.8( 1), 50-58, January 2016.
Certificate: IJAAR 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Twenty-seven Jesso-Balam rice accessions of Bangladesh were studied for 21 qualitative agro-morphological characters at BRRI during T. Aman 2009 and T. Aman 2011 seasons. The presence and shape of penultimate leaf ligule showed no variations among the genotypes. Out of 19 characters, majority of the genotypes showed no anthocyanin color in leaf sheath (93%), medium intensity of anthocyanin color in basal leaf sheath (7%), green leaf blade (74%), strong surface pubescence of penultimate leaf blade (48%), no anthocyanin color in auricles and collar (93%), colorless ligule (93%), white color of stigma (93%), erect blade of flag leaf (52%), erect curvature of lateral tiller (100%), no anthocyanin color in nodes (93%), weak intensity of anthocyanin color in nodes (7%), weak intensity of anthocyanin color in internodes (67%), yellowish to straw anthocyanin color of lemma and palea (48%), medium intensity of anthocyanin color in lemma and palea (41%), yellowish/straw color of apiculus (93%), awnless (89%), awns at tip only (11%), yellowish white to straw color awns (100%) and intermediate type of leaf senescence (74%). On the other hand, the Jesso-Balam germplasm along with BR7, BR16, BRRI dhan50 and Nizersail were grouped into three major clusters according to the UPGMA clustering method based on Dice coefficient. Cluster III was the major group with maximum genotypes (26), while clusters I had two (JBPL9 and JBPL23) and cluster II had three genotypes (JBPL13, JBPL15 and JBPL16), respectively. The genetic distance ranged from 0.000 to 9.969. Three pairs of accessions (2465 and 2464), (2455 and 2454) and (2453 and 2478) in cluster III were found duplicates. Finally, the Jesso-Balam pure lines possessed exclusive variability and unique features which need safe conservation and sustainable use in future rice breeding programmes for issues like intellectual property rights.


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