Agroclimatic zoning of sugar beet in Kermanshah province using GIS

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Agroclimatic zoning of sugar beet in Kermanshah province using GIS

Elahe Parmah, Hossein Negaresh, Mahmood khosravi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 345-354, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Population growth and ever-increasing need of human for food stuff necessitate agricultural development. Among agricultural products, sugar beet is cultivated as a strategic product by Iranian farmers and Kermanshah province ranks third in terms of cultivation as well as performance in Iran. Therefore, developing cultivation of this product requires more attention in this province. In general, one of the objectives of this study was to identify potential areas for the cultivation of sugar beet. Also, the following question was answered: Is agroclimatic zoning a proper method for determining potential areas for cultivation of sugar beet using Geographical Information System (GIS)? To this end, by analyzing the data and investigating effective climatic and environmental factors in sugar beet cultivation and locating potential cultivation areas, 9 factors of altitude, rainfall, temperature, slope, slope direction and land type, effective rainfall, water demand and evaporation and transpiration were investigated. In the next step, digital elevation model and maps of slope layers, elevation layers and land use were drawn. Then, qualitative and quantitative criteria and factors were identified by AHP technique and obtained layers along with their corresponding values were imported to Expert Choice software. The values were then compared with each other in pairs and weights of the criteria and sub-criteria were obtained. Finally, in GIS environment, the layers were prepared in AHP of raster layers according to the obtained values. Regarding point-wise factors such as temperature, rainfall, evaporation and perspiration, effective rainfall and water demand, Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation method was used for obtaining maximum and minimum cores after getting the output from AHP software. Results of this study demonstrated that the province could be divided to four areas of potential, medium potential, low potential and non-potential. Potential areas for cultivating sugar beet were scattered in the province.


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