Agronomic Characteristics, Production, and Economics of Hydroponic Lettuce Using Different Culture Pots

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Research Paper 06/12/2023
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Agronomic Characteristics, Production, and Economics of Hydroponic Lettuce Using Different Culture Pots

Ma. Kassandra Joy C. Pattung, Nonito B. Pattugalan
Int. J. Biosci.23( 6), 67-73, December 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted from November 2022 to January 2023 at TESDA Lasam, Institute of Technology to evaluate which of the agronomic characteristics, yield, and economics of hydroponic lettuce using different culture pot has the most suitable for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) production. Specifically, the study aimed to find out what growing pots will be the best for growing lettuce in terms of the following parameters. Average height per plant (cm), average number of leaves per plant, average length of roots (cm) per plant, average fresh weight per sample plant (g), and Return on Investment Analysis. The Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was used in the study with four (4) treatments and three (3) replication. The treatments were as follows: T1- PVC Pipe, T2- Styrofoam fruit crate, T3- Bamboo poles, T4- Plastic bottle. The result revealed that the highest average height (cm) per plant and the most number of leaves was obtained on Treatment 2. The average length of roots (cm) per plant was obtained in Treatment 1. Return on Investment was obtained in Treatment 4. Analysis of variance shows a highly significant difference among the average height (cm) per plant. Likewise, analysis of variance shows a significant difference among the average length of roots (cm) per plant. However, it did not show any significant difference between the average number of leaves and the average fresh weight per sample (g).


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