Allelopathic effect of corn, alfalfa, redroot pigweed and bermuda grass on germination and growth of rye

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Research Paper 01/03/2013
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Allelopathic effect of corn, alfalfa, redroot pigweed and bermuda grass on germination and growth of rye

Mehrdad Yarnia, Elnaz Farajzadeh, Vahid Ahmadzadeh, Nima Nobari
Int. J. Biosci.3( 3), 41-49, March 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


This study was to investigate the effects of the extract from different parts of alfalfa, corn, bermuda grass and redroot pigweed at different stages of growth and in different amounts of extract on rye. For this purpose, a factorial experiment was carried out during 2010-2011. The factors included: type of plant at four levels: 1- corn 2- alfalfa 3- redroot pigweed 4- bermuda grass, The second factor: phase of the plant harvest for prepare extracts at two levels: 1- harvesting in vegetable growth 2- harvest at the beginning of flowering, Third factor: extracts from different crop organs at three levels: 1- extracts from the leaves 2- extracts from the stem 3-extracts from the root, The fourth factor: different concentrations of extracts from the organs of plants at four levels: 1- extract concentration of 5 percent 2- extract concentration of 10 percent 3- extract concentration of 15 percent 4- extract concentration of 20 percent. The results of the study show that materials produced from the leaves, stems and roots of bermuda grass, redroot pigweed, corn and alfalfa germination, and growth of rye affected. Most reduction on germination rye by extracts from alfalfa leaves and roots of bermuda grass obtained. Alfalfa extracts from the vegetative stage had more effect than reproductive stage, but bermuda grass extracts hadn’t effect on germination and seedling growth of rye.


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