Allelopathic potential of littleseed canary grass (Phalaris minor Retz.) on seedling growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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Allelopathic potential of littleseed canary grass (Phalaris minor Retz.) on seedling growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Rouhollah Amini
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 12), 85-91, December 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to assess the allelopathic effects of littleseed canary grass (Phalaris minor Retz.) against barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) the root exudates bioassays were conducted using the equal-compartment-agar method. The experiments were conducted in laboratory of weed ecology of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz Iran in 2012. Allelopathic effects of canary grass at different growing times (3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days) were investigated on barley seedling growth. Results indicated that the co-growth of canary grass and barley induced barley root and shoot dry matter reduction. Canary grass growth for 9 and 12 days had the most inhibitive effect on barley shoot and root dry matter, respectively. To validate the allelopathic effect between canary grass and barley, activated charcoal was added to growth medium (2 % v/v) with different densities of canary grass seeds including 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 and 75 plants per beaker. Increasing canary grass density beyond 25 and 75 plants per beaker had no significant further effect on barley root and shoot dry matter, respectively. Thus the inhibition effect of canary grass was directed through root exudates, being greater on barley roots than on shoots growth. The allelopathic effect of canary grass root exudates was evaluated on four barley cultivars, including Karun, Afzal, Valfajr and Zarjou that were differed significantly. The greatest allelopathic impact was noticed on root growth of cv. Zarjou and shoot growth of cv. Karun.


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