AMMI and AMMI based analysis of phenotypic stability in wheat-agropyron disomic addition lines

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Research Paper 01/10/2014
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AMMI and AMMI based analysis of phenotypic stability in wheat-agropyron disomic addition lines

Ezatollah Farshadfar, Mojgan Farhadi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 548-557, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to identify QTLs controlling yield stability in Agropyron using AMMI and AMMI based stability statistics an experiment was conducted in three environments. Combined analysis showed significant genotype × environment interaction (GEI) indicating the presence of genetic variation and possible chromosomal localization of QTLs controlling adaptation in agropyron. AMMI analysis exhibited that the two multiplicative axis terms explained 71.35% and 28.75% of GEI sum of squares, respectively. According to biplot analysis G1(E1) and G2 (E2) (adaptive group 1) exhibited specific adaptability for irrigated environment. Genotypes G5 (E5) and G7 (E7) (adaptive group 2) revealed specific adaptation for rainfed environments E2 and E3. The accessions G3 (E3), G6 (E6) and G8 (E8) (adaptive group 3) on the IPCA= 0 showed stability and general adaptability with grain yield close to mean yield and negligible interaction. AMMI1 (IPCA1) and AMMI2 (IPCA2) biplot introduced G7 (E7) and G4 (E4) with high grain yield and specific adaptability for environments E3 and E2 (stress conditions), G1 (E1) and G2 (E2) with low grain yield and specific adaptation for irrigated environment (E1). G5 (E5) and G6 (E6) were discriminated as stable genotypes with high and average yield, respectively. It is concluded that QTLs controlling specific adaptation in agropyron are distributed on chromosomes E1and E2 (irrigated conditions) and chromosomes E5 and E7 (rainfed conditions), while QTLs monitoring stability and general adaptability are mainly located on chromosome E3, E5 with average grain yield and E6 with high grain yield. AMMI based stability statistics were positively correlated (an acute angle), and associated with grain yield except AMGEi (right angle). It is concluded that all of the AMMI based measures except AMGEi discriminate stable entries with high grain yield at the same manner.


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