Amount and characteristics of logging residues in selection cutting stand in the Northern forests of Iran

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Amount and characteristics of logging residues in selection cutting stand in the Northern forests of Iran

Farzam Tavankar, Yashar Eynollahi
Int. J. Biosci.3( 1), 35-42, January 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


One source of woody material receiving much attention is logging residue. In this research amount and characteristics of logging residues were estimated by line intersect sampling in the selectively logged parcel in the northern forest of Iran. The results of this study showed that volume and weight of logging residues were 2.34 m3 and 1.66 ton per hectare. This amount was about 18% of total selected volume to harvest in the logged parcel. Pieces with 35 cm in small end diameter and 70 cm in length have the most volume of logging residues in the logged parcel. The analysis of collected data showed means of volume, length and weight of pieces were 0.02 m3, 1.17 m and 16.1 kg. In the northern forests of Iran each logging planning should be assessed regarding feasibility residue collection and transportation.


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