An analysis of household waste prevention behaviours (case study: Fereidan Township)

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Research Paper 01/01/2014
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An analysis of household waste prevention behaviours (case study: Fereidan Township)

Amirhossein Alibaygi, Seyed Alireza Ghadimi, Amir Azami
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 1), 173-186, January 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Environmental problems such as, urban garbage and produce Waste in urban areas are the results of human behavior. Only change in human behavior can reduce these environmental problems. Thus studying attitude and behavior of people is a precondition to change this situation. So the main objective of this study was analysis of household Waste Prevention Behaviours. To achieve this objective, the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) was used to guide an analysis. In addition to TPB variables, the Environmental Concern, Environmental knowledge and Environmental values were considered. Statistical population was 10000 person in Freidan Township that 120 person were chosen by random sampling methoding on the basis of Cochran formula. The main tool of this research was questionnaire which has been formed of 9 parts. For estimating the reliability of the questionnaire Cronbach’s alpha was calculate and it was (0.62 – 0.93). Content validity was approved using expert opinion of faculty members of the Razi University, department of Agricultural extension and education. The data were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis and Path Analysis by Spss software. The findings from the empirical work show that the vast majority of the studied population shared high environmental concerns, and generally appeared to endorse pro-environmental values.


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