An efficient protocol for DNA isolation from the genus Pyrus

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Research Paper 01/04/2013
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An efficient protocol for DNA isolation from the genus Pyrus

Mohammad Islam, Habib Ahmad, Imtiaz Ahmad Khan
Int. J. Biosci.3( 4), 122-127, April 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


This paper communicates an economical, handy, quicker and reliable protocol of DNA isolation from different parts e.g. herbarium specimens, bark, wood, leaves etc. of pears. The protocol is recommended under the normal lab conditions without using any sophisticated equipment and costly kits/chemicals. Best quality of DNA was extracted from any part of the plant. The PCR product was amplified for 18S rRNA genes of various Pyrus genotypes. The genes were cleaned with gel elution Kit (K0513, Fermentas) and sequenced accordingly. The sequence data obtained was BLAST against the entire available nucleotide database using online tool at NCBI access and the land races were successfully discriminated. The protocol presented here is recommended for reliable extraction of best quality and high yield of DNA from woody plants.


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