An Ethno-botanical Study of Plants Used for the Treatment of Livestock Diseases of Atrai Region, Bangladesh

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An Ethno-botanical Study of Plants Used for the Treatment of Livestock Diseases of Atrai Region, Bangladesh

Gour Pada Ghosh, M. Omar Faruq, M. Rafni Yeasmin
Int. J. Biosci.12( 2), 98-105, February 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In rural Bangladesh, traditionally people are used to treat their domestic animals with the help of medicinal plants. This traditional practice bears great importance because it could mean clues for noble products by conducting further research. Considering this, an ethno-botanical study of veterinary medicinal plants of Atrai region, Bangladesh was conducted from January to December 2016 in order to generate ethno-botanical data. From the survey it was revealed that the local people used as many as 51 plant species which were belong to 34 families. These plants were used in the treatment of common livestock’s ailments such as Tympani, Foot and Mouth disease, Worm complaints, Hemorrhagic septicemia, Dermatitis, Swelling, Bleeding and Wound, Cold and Fever, Mastitis, etc. This survey recorded that local people utilized different plant parts such as leaves with other parts (55%) followed by root and underground parts (20%), whole plants (15%) and fruits and seeds (10%). They also used those plants in different ways to get cured from the ailments of their ruminants. Finally this study suggests that the effort should be taken to facilitate the availability of ethno-veterinary services in the remote areas where modern facilities are not adequate to treat domestic animals and this traditional knowledge should preserve and conserve medicinal plants for its sustainable uses.

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