An insight into genetic variability and host response of Pakistani isolate of Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV) infecting chilli pepper

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An insight into genetic variability and host response of Pakistani isolate of Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV) infecting chilli pepper

Tazeem Riaz, Muhammad Ashfaq, Aamir Humayun Malik, Tariq Mukhtar, Ishfaq Ahmed Hafiz
Int. J. Biosci.12( 4), 301-311, April 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV, genus Potyvirus) is a wide spread and destructive plant virus that causes substantial economic losses in chilli crop. Although ChiVMV has been reported in Pakistan for more than 22 years, there is little information about the genetic variability of the isolates found in the country. This present study elucidates the genetic variability of a Pakistani Chi VMV isolate ATIPK and its response against different host species. For host response analysis, plant species from Solanaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae and  Amarantheaceae were mechanically inoculated and results revealed that the host range of ATIPK confined to Solanaceae family. The 3’ genomic end of ChiVMV isolate AITPK containing 96 bases of 3’ end of NIb gene, full length CP gene (864) and 23 bases from the 3’UTR. The sequence of ChiVMV (ATIPK) isolate was deposited to Gen Bank with accession No. KJ472764. A pairwise comparison of ATIPK CP sequence with selected 22 sequences revealed the nucleotide identity ranged from 88.4%-86.8% and amino acid identity ranged from 91.8%-89%. Maximum and minimum nucleotide identity was matched with isolate DQ854956 and DQ854964 from Thailand and India respectively. Conserved region of Potyviruses and aphid transmitibility DAG triplet was present in ATIPK isolate at 6-8th amino acid position at the N terminal of CP gene. The information of CP gene sequence and recombination analysis generated in this research will be helpful in development of resistance chilli against ChiVMV in future.


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