An overview of insect-pest and diseases management in rice crop for outreach interventions

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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An overview of insect-pest and diseases management in rice crop for outreach interventions

Umair Talib, Ijaz Ashraf, Khalid Mahmood Chaudhary, Riaz Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 86-92, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is feeding more than half of the world’s population. It is cultivated in almost 114 developing countries for food, income and employment generation. Ninety percent share of rice production is contributed by the Asian countries including Pakistan where rice production is continuously dwindling subject topoor insect pest and diseases management. This study is an effort to underpin an overview of insect-pest and diseases management in rice crop and document feasible outreach solutions for the revival of rice production in the country. For the in-depth analysis, a sample of 342 rice growers was drawn from 2,365 registered rice growers. Data were collected through validated interview schedule followed by observations and focus group discussions techniques. Findings of the research summarized that chemical management of insects’ pests and diseases of the rice crop was most preferred mode despite excessive application of chemicals is endangering the environment. Conversely, biological control which is environmentally friendly was perceived poorly preferred mode by the respondents. Findings stressed on the persistence of wide information gapamong farming communities regarding environmental safety which is direly needed to be overcome through diversified outreach services by public and private sector with the collaboration of research and extension. This holistic collaboration could pave the way toward sustainable farming supportive to a safe environment.


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