Analysis of Baru River water quality due to disposal of domestic waste in the Sub District of Central Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Analysis of Baru River water quality due to disposal of domestic waste in the Sub District of Central Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan

Elis Kumala Devi, Emmy Sri Mahreda, Eka Iriadenta, Slamat
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 5), 222-229, May 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The inclusion of wastewater into water bodies will lead to quality deterioration of the receiving water bodies, due to the substances contained in the wastewater. Moreover, wastewater can disrupt river ecosystem. If waste containing pollutants is discharged into clean and clear water, the water quality will change. This study aims to determine status of Baru River water quality using Pollution Index (IP) method and to analyze impact of domestic waste pollution on public health. According to Government Regulation no. 82 of 2001 Class II on Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control, the results indicates that Baru River water quality for DO, BOD, Phosphate, Fe, Cd and Total Coliform bacteria parameters generally exceeds the water quality standard. According to Pollution Index (IP) calculation, water quality status of downstream area of Baru River is classified as Mildly Polluted (1≤PI <5) with the highest IP value of 4.97; and decreasing Pollution Index occurs between upstream and middle areas with IP value of 9.89 of which water quality status is classified as Fairly Polluted (5≤PI <10) according to Decree of the Minister of State for the Environment No. 115 of 2003 on Guidelines on the Determination of Water Quality Status. Domestic waste in Baru River brings negative impact on public health such as itchy skin which is significantly affecting public health that reaches 95.6% of all health problems. The problem is derived from community lack in maintaining river cleanliness which brings disadvantages for the community. Thus, evaluation on Baru River water quality status should be carried out periodically for further studies.


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