Analysis of elements of forest governance in joint forest management system: a comparative study of actual and ideal forest governance in Allai Guzara forests, Hazara tribal forest division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Analysis of elements of forest governance in joint forest management system: a comparative study of actual and ideal forest governance in Allai Guzara forests, Hazara tribal forest division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Mazhar Iqbal, Ahmad Hussain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 9), 23-30, September 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In Pakistan, the traditional hierarchal governance of forest resources performed well as long as the large forest resources were available, however, after independence the population increased rapidly and consequently their demands of timber, fuelwood, grazing and other products and services increased too. It was felt that the any conservation measure without the people’s involvement will be in vain. Looking at the experiences and lessons learnt from the neighbouring countries like Nepal and India, the concept of Joint Forest Management was introduced in the province of KP. However, JFM-a type of co-governance-also did not perform upto the expectations despite of the fact that the main objective of JFM was to conserve the forest resource. Forest depletion is at constant rise even after the implementation of JFM model. One of the major underlying causes is the poor forest governance. This necessitates the fact to analyze the existing governance mechanism; compare it with the ideal forest governance; find out the governance issues and its underlying causes; and recommend a framework for governance reforms in JFM. With these stated objectives, the current study was designed to cover the Allai valley Guzara Forest where JFM is in place since 2004. The study resulted in key findings in relation to forest governance which will be helpful not only to the concerned authorities but also to academia, NGOs and general public.


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