Analysis of factors affecting the success of planting of watershed (DAS) sub DAS Lahung, Murung Raya District

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Research Paper 01/08/2019
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Analysis of factors affecting the success of planting of watershed (DAS) sub DAS Lahung, Murung Raya District

Junaedi Salempa Manapa, Daniel Itta, Yusanto Nugroho
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 2), 60-65, August 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Forest and Land Rehabilitation activities are carried out through reforestation, afforestation, maintenance, plant maintenance, or application of vegetative and civil technical conservation techniques on critical and unproductive land. This study aims to Analyze the factors that influence the success of planting rehabilitation activities in the Watershed (DAS) in the Lahung Sub-watershed, Murung Raya Regency. Primary data collection was carried out using a number of techniques, namely collection techniques and interview techniques to obtain supporting data in determining the Watershed Rehabilitation (DAS) Holders of the Forest of SKK Migas-Salamander Energy (Bangkanai) Forest Area Permit Limited with respondents and informants. The most important factor in the success of planning is the conservation and management of pests and diseases and forest disasters because the most important factor in its success is the development of forest fires.


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