Analysis of mungbean germplasm against mungbean yellow mosaic virus disease and its management

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Analysis of mungbean germplasm against mungbean yellow mosaic virus disease and its management

Sadia Saeed, Safdar Ali, Amer Habib, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan, Rana Binyamin, Awais Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Usman Ghani, Suleman Saleem
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 448-454, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The present experiment was planned to manage yellow mosaic disease through resistant source, application of nutrients and indirectly by insecticides against whitefly. Ten genotypes (MPP 16082, MPP 16001, MPP 16024, MPP 16016, MPP 16075, MPP 16074, MPP 16005, MPP 16055, MPP 16015 and MPP 16073) were sown in augmented design to find out resistant source. The management trial was conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD) and five entries (MPP 16074, MPP 16005, MPP 16055, MPP 16015 and MPP 16073) were sown in three replications. Each variety contains the five rows from which four rows were treated with Zinc sulphate, Pyriproxyfen, Boric acid, Flonicamid and fifth row was kept as control. The data of growth and yield parameters (plant height, pod length, root length, no. of seeds/pod and seed weight) were recorded from treated and untreated plants of all entries. None of the screened genotypes showed highly resistant response against MYMV, only a single entry MPP 16082 was found resistant, two cultivars MPP 16001, MPP 16024 moderately resistant while MPP 16016 and MPP 16075 found moderately susceptible. Among the remaining genotypes MPP 16055 and 16074 were found to be susceptible while other three varieties MPP 16055, MPP 16015 and MPP 16073 were highly susceptible. All the treatments showed significant reduction in MYMV disease, whitefly population and enhanced the growth and yield parameters of the treated plants. Pyriproxyfen showed minimum disease incidence, disease severity and whitefly population while zinc sulphate was least effective against yellow mosaic virus disease and its vector.


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