Analysis of the relationship between root morphology and uptake of fertilizer nitrogen in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Analysis of the relationship between root morphology and uptake of fertilizer nitrogen in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Seyed Mostafa Hosseini Mazinani
Int. J. Biosci.3( 8), 202-209, August 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Due to the roles of root in water and mineral uptake, it is one of the most important organs for plant growth. In order to analyze the morphological differences of the root in four Iranian cultivars of rice (Tabesh, Fajr, Tarom-e-Mahali and Neamat cultivars) and their relationship with nitrogen uptake, two experiments were conducted in greenhouse and laboratory conditions. In laboratory experiment cubes of sponge, to fix the grains on, which placed in a 30 cm depth Styrofoam container, containing Hogland nutrient solution, were used for hydroponic culture of the plants. One month after initiation of the sowing, the roots of seedlings were screened and the morphological characteristic including thickness, length, surface area, volume and the number of the forks of the roots were measured using image analysis methods implemented in WinRHIZOPro system. In the greenhouse experiment, the same cultivars as used in laboratory, were treated with heavy Nitrogen isotope (N15) and compared. After germination, the seeds were planted in polybags containing 25 kg soil, in 4 replications. N-15 labelled urea was applied at 150 kg N/ha in three equal parts and N use efficiency in rice grain and straw was measured at harvest. The results showed significant differences in root length, surface area, volume and the number of forks among the studied cultivars. The amount of Nitrogen in plant organs (derived from fertilizer applied), was found to range from 24.05 in Tarom-e-Mahali to 56.67 % in Neamat cultivars. A significant correlation was observed among the surface area, total root length, No of forks, biological yield and the amount of fertilizer Nitrogen uptake. The Neamat and Tabesh cultivars performed efficiently in fertilizer Nitrogen uptake.


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