Analysis of the uniqueness of physical form of the teluk kelumpang nature reserve which have high potential of biodiversity based on the satellite imagery

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Analysis of the uniqueness of physical form of the teluk kelumpang nature reserve which have high potential of biodiversity based on the satellite imagery

Suyanto, Lukito Andi Widyarto, Nikmat Hakim Passaribu, Ujang Acep, Suriansyah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 6), 177-185, June 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Indonesia has established natural reserve areas, one of which is the Teluk Kelumpang Nature Reserve (TKNR) located in Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan with an area of ​​about 28,437,612 ha. TKNR region in which there is a potential biodiversity of biotic natural resources that is high, while the authenticity of its habitat in the form of mangrove plants are still well preserved. The potential for biodiversity is the pride of the people of South Kalimantan and a national and international responsibility. The purpose of this study is to analyze the uniqueness of the physical form of TKNR region, to cause the area of ​​this nature reserve for 37 years the authenticity of the condition of its habitat is still well preserved regardless of the excellent management conducted by the authority of Natural Resource Conservation Center of South Kalimantan. The method used is to examine secondary data, field surveys and integrated with remote sensing satellite imagery. The results show that The uniqueness of its physical form is composed of tidal plains, many natural river tributaries encircle Kelumpang Gulf, growing mangrove vegetation, its compact formation grows along the coast of Kelumpang Gulf forming a green belt, access road to this area is very limited, far from human activity, Its tributaries are rarely used by local populations, the water conditions are calm, isolated, mud deposits formed overgrown by mangrove vegetation in groups resembling small islands add to the uniqueness, become a heaven for the endemic variety of Kalimantan animals.


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