Analysis on fishing fisheries resources management sustainability of oxbow barito mati lake, south barito regency, central kalimantan province, Indonesia

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Analysis on fishing fisheries resources management sustainability of oxbow barito mati lake, south barito regency, central kalimantan province, Indonesia

Sweking, Marsoedi, Zaenal Kusuma, Idiannoor Mahyudin
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 4), 1-12, October 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Oxbow Barito Mati Lake in South Barito is important not only from economic aspect, but hydrological and ecological aspects as well. Lake and its flooding areas directly connecting to Barito River is an important area for fish migration, spawning and growth. Nevertheless, in its development, the important role of Oxbow Barito Mati Lake seems to be not meaningful due to human activities, such as pollution, excessive lake resources utilization, land conversion, residential development, and etc. This, of course, has negative impact on the lake sustainability itself due to degraded aquatic and fisheries resources which then affect the lake function and benefit values in the present or future. This study was aimed at reviewing the freshwater fishries contribugtion to the gross regional domestic product of South Barito Regency, reconsidering the sustainable fishing fisheries resources management in Oxbow Barito Mati Lake, South Barito Regency, and producing the sustainable fishing fisheries resources management strategy in the lake. The sustainability status in fishing fisheries resources management of Oxbow Barito Mati Lake in ecological dimension had a sufficiently sustainable status (56.09) with sensitive attributes in waste disposals (4.52) and lake water pollution (3.52). In economic dimension, it had less sustainable status (36.3) with sensitive attributes in budgetting from government/private institutions (3.42) and labor absorption (2.71). Moreover, for social-cultural dimension, it had sufficiently sustainable status (54.1) with sensitive attributes in the government role in lake destruction prevention effort (4.10) and the community role in lake destruction prevention effort (2.83). Technological dimension showed less sustainable status (45.28) with sensitive attributes in the undestructive fishing effort (4.61) and the use of selective fishing gear (3.24). Legal/institutional dimension had less sustainable status (38.32) with sensitive attributes in ecosystem protection-related government policy (5.12), fishing fisheries resources management-related legal socialization (4.13) and fishing fisheries resources management zone establishment (3.60). Finally, the multidimension, the combination of each dimension, showed less sustainable status (49.2) in the fishing fisheries resources management of Oxbow Barito Mati Lake.


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