Anthelmintic activity of Chrysophyllum cainito and Psidium guajava ethanolic bark extracts against Ascaridia galli of chicken

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Research Paper 01/09/2021
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Anthelmintic activity of Chrysophyllum cainito and Psidium guajava ethanolic bark extracts against Ascaridia galli of chicken

Roel T. Calagui
Int. J. Biosci.19( 3), 141-147, September 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Limited substantiations are available supporting the pharmacological properties of herbal plants utilized in ethno-veterinary medication which remained sustainable in local communities in spite of advancements in animal health today. This study evaluated through in vitro and in vivo anthelmintic assays the folkloric use of Chrysophyllum cainito and Psidium guajava, which are among the selection of documented florae in the Philippines being used in ethno-veterinary medicine. In vitro anthelmintic evaluation showed time-dependent and concentration-dependent efficacies. The ovicidal action of Chrysophyllum cainito bark ethanolic extract at 60mg/ml has recorded 94.65% inhibition capacity, whereas Psidium guajava bark ethanolic extract generated 92.64% and 96.28% efficacies at 30mg/ml and 60mg/ml dilutions, respectively. The wormicidal activity of the former elicited 88.88% at 60mg/kg, while the latter yielded 88.88% and 94.44% mortalities to worms at 30mg/ml and 60mg/ml dilutions, correspondingly. Probit analysis on the lethal concentration (LC50) against eggs and worms was logged at different magnitudes for both plants. In vivo assessment by means of fecal egg count reduction (FECR) rate has signified biologically, that the tested plants undoubtedly possess anthelmintic property.

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