Anti-bacterial translocation effect of methanolic extract of Zygophyllum album from Algeria on infected model rats with Bacillus cereus

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Research Paper 01/06/2017
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Anti-bacterial translocation effect of methanolic extract of Zygophyllum album from Algeria on infected model rats with Bacillus cereus

A. Belmimoun, A. Meddah Tir Touil, B. Meddah, P. Sonnet
Int. J. Biosci.10( 6), 108-119, June 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Many ethno-botanical studies suggest that plants provide natural source of antimicrobial drugs that will be employed in controlling some infections globally and that can be a consequence to decrease the phenomenon of bacterial translocation. The work presented in this thesis contribute to the recovery of a medicinal plant Zygophyllum album (Zygophylaceae) from Algerian Sahara by the identification of some phenolic compounds using chromatography and the evaluation of antimicrobial and anti-translocation activity in vivo against the intestinal infection caused by Bacillus cereus. Chromatographic identification conducted on the species allowed to characterize their polyphenolic extracts. The detected major active compounds have various biological activities that could play a recognized role in maintaining good health. The various plant extract was subjected to screening for their potential antimicrobial activity. The methanol extract of Z. album revealed a very strong antibacterial activity against B. cereus. This extract concentration of 800 mg / ml referred curative demonstrated a remarkable ability to treat infection of B. cereus, to prevent its translocation to the internal organs and blood and inhibiting intestinal permeability of residents germs while maintaining its low acute toxicity. The detected major active compounds have various biological activities that could play a recognized role in maintaining good health.

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