Antiatherogenic potency of canola oil and/or wheat germ oil in association with the expression of some inflammatory markers in rats

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Antiatherogenic potency of canola oil and/or wheat germ oil in association with the expression of some inflammatory markers in rats

Rasha E. Hassan, Manal A. Emam
Int. J. Biosci.11( 5), 319-336, November 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The hypolipidemic and antiatherogenic potency of canola oil and/ or wheat germ oil and their effect on the expression of some inflammatory genes in liver and heart tissues were assessed. Forty male Wistar rats were divided into five groups fed on: standard diet, high fat diet, high fat diet +20% canola oil, high fat diet +20% wheat germ oil, high fat diet +20% mixture of canola and wheat germ oils. After forty five days, induced hyperlipidemia by high fat diet resulted in atherosclerosis as manifested by the significant change in lipid profile parameters, elevated serum butyrylcholine esterase activity and atherogenic index, in addition to the significant body and liver weight gain. It produced functional and structural disturbance in liver and heart tissues with the progression of oxidative stress as indicated by increased liver and heart lipid peroxidation, enzyme activities, serum uric acid level, and over expression of C-reactive protein, serum amyloid p component and interlukin-6 genes with the reduction of total antioxidant capacity and total proteins. Conversely, 20% of canola or wheat germ oil protects against hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis by attenuating all the biochemical parameters and down regulating the expression of the inflammatory genes. Wheat germ oil was found to have more profound effect than canola oil. Mixing both oils has the lowest protective effect. Histological findings of heart and liver tissues verified the biochemical data. Our results recommend the use of canola or wheat germ oil as a strategy of healthy diet against atherosclerosis.


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