Antibacterial efficacy of essential oil from leaf of Uvariodendron molundense (Annonaceae), medicinal plant of Gabon

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Antibacterial efficacy of essential oil from leaf of Uvariodendron molundense (Annonaceae), medicinal plant of Gabon

H. Mathouet, C. Sima Obiang, C.M. Lekongo Moungomo, H.P. Bourobou Bourobou, J.P. Ondo
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 33-39, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a serious global problem that has led research to identify new biomolecules with strong antibacterial activity. In nature, essential oils (Eos) contain a wide variety of secondary metabolites that can inhibit or slow down the growth of bacteria in the plant kingdom. The objective of this study is to determine the antibacterial potential of the essential oil of Uvariodendron molundense (U. molundense) which is a Gabonese plant belonging to the family Annonacaeae. The Eos extraction was carried out by hydrodistillation. The antibacterial activity, carried out on 4 bacterial strains: 2 multidrug-resistant hospital strains (MDR) [Acinetobacter baumannii (A. Baumanni), Escherichia (coli E.]coli) and 2 reference strains (Escherichia coli CIP 105182, Salmonella typhi ATCC 13311), was demonstrated by 2 methods. (Diffusion method on agar medium, and the micro dilution method). The results, obtained by the diffusion method, showed that the multidrug-resistant hospital bacterial strains were the most sensitive to Eos of U. molundense, on the isolate A. Baumannii MDR of 5 to 50% of the Eos concentration with a DIZ of 8.8 to 18.3 mm and on E. coli MDR of 25-100% Eos and DZI 8.5 mm -11 mm, than those of reference antibiotics. The best activity was obtained with the essential oil, the DIZ ranging from 23.3 to 27.5 mm with an essential oil concentration of 75% to 100%, v / v, on A. baumannii MDR. Based on the results obtained in this study, we suggest continuing this work on other multidrug-resistant bacterial strains.


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