Antifungal activity of Lawsonia inermis leaf extract against dermatophytes species

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Antifungal activity of Lawsonia inermis leaf extract against dermatophytes species

Attala Nabila, Hammadi Kheira, Benmansour Zakaria, Djebli Noureddine
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 277-281, May 2018.
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Plant extracts and plant-derived compounds are valuable sources as folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases including infectious diseases; Henna represent one of the most effective traditional remedy against multiple diseases that includes ulcer, skin disorders and infection malignacies. This study was carried out using 51 clinical isolates of dermatophytes representing three different species Trichophytom mentagrophytes; Microsporum canis and Trichophytom eurinacei, the antifungal activity of Lawsonia inermis was detaermined by agar diffusion and henna was used as ethanolic extract , henna extract showed the high antifungal activity against all dermatophyes specis (17 to 60mm inhibition zone).


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