Antifungal activity of Pseudomonas strains isolated from wheat Rhizosphere against Fusarium sp.

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Antifungal activity of Pseudomonas strains isolated from wheat Rhizosphere against Fusarium sp.

Ferdaouss El Habil-Addas, Saida Aarab, Chaimae El Aaraj, Amin Laglaoui, Mohammed Bakkali, Abdelhay Arakrak
Int. J. Biosci.10( 5), 207-215, May 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Fusarium diseases of small grain cereals, especially wheat cause significant yield losses worldwide. In this study, the antagonistic effect of Pseudomonas isolated from wheat rhizosphere, was studied against Fusarium species. The solubilization activity of mineral phosphate was evaluated using Pikovskaya’s (PVK) medium, PGP traits were checked and antagonistic activity was reached by dual culture technique in Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium. A total of 71 Pseudomonas were isolated from the rhizosphere of tree varieties of wheat (Salama, Wafia and Rajae) cultivated in the Northwest of Morocco. Of which 52% were able to solubilize tri-calcium phosphate (TCP). On the basis of the (Solubilization index ≥ 1.44), 11 strains of Pseudomonas were screened for their plant growth promoting (PGP) traits and evaluated for the ability to suppress growth of Fusarium species. The selected bacteria were able to produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN) except PS11 and PR23. Only PS11 and PR9 isolates showed the production of siderophores. Production of indole acetic acid was observed only in two bacteria, PW9 and PR9. All the isolates were positive for the production of some researched hydrolytic enzymes (amylase, protease, cellulase and chitinase). Results showed that PR19 had maximum inhibition against Fusarium sp. (59.16±1.44%) whereas PW11 showed the least inhibitory effect (20.43±1.86%). These results make some Pseudomonas strains, as PR9 and PR19, attractive as PGP bacteria. However, it requires further studies under pot culture as well as field conditions before to be recommended as biofertilizers and biocontrol agents for wheat.

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