Antimicrobial assessment of extracts of the stem piths of Alchornea cordifolia and Senna alata against Trichophyton mentagrophyte and Trichophyton verrucosum

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Research Paper 25/11/2022
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Antimicrobial assessment of extracts of the stem piths of Alchornea cordifolia and Senna alata against Trichophyton mentagrophyte and Trichophyton verrucosum

Christiana Orevaoghene Akpo, Lawrence Uchenna Nwankwo, Lawrence Uzor Mekwunye
Int. J. Biosci.21( 5), 335-341, November 2022.
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Fungal infections are often chronic, hence requiring long-term treatment for them to be effectively treated. The antifungal activity of the ethylacetate and hot water extracts of the stem piths of Alchonea cordifolia and Senna alata were tested against Trichophyton mentagrophyte and Trichophyton verrucosum. Extracts of both crude drugs were obtained by maceration using ethyl acetate and hot water respectively. Identification of dermatophytes, microscopic and macroscopic examination of cultures was carried out using standard procedures. Phytoconstituents of both plants were evaluated qualitatively using standard methods. The antifungal activity of extracts was tested using the agar well diffusion method. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of both extracts was carried out using the agar dilution method. The minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) was also done using standard procedures. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of saponins and tannins in both crude extracts. Senna alata showed the highest antifungal activity against both dermatophyteswith the zone of inhibition ranging from 12.85±2.44mm to 20.85±2.44mm. Trichophyton verrucosum was most susceptible with the zone of inhibition of 20.85±2.44mm at a concentration of 2.50mg/ml. The hot water extract of the stem pith of Senna alata and Alchonea cordifolia did not inhibit any of the dermatophytes. Conclusively, the results of this study support the traditional use of Senna alata for the treatment and management of ringworm and athlete’s foot caused by Trichophyton mentagrophyte and Trichophyton verrucosum.


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